Becoming a Medical Student Ambassador

Medical Student Ambassador Opportunity

Becoming a Doctor are looking for enthusiastic medical students to be official Becoming a Doctor Ambassadors.

We are a team of enthusiastic doctors, medical students and advisors supporting prospective and current medical students. The team organise a national conference, school talks, workshops and masterclasses to help prospective and current medical students. We are proud to have had UK Medical Schools, the General Medical Council, Medical Schools Council, British Medical Journal, Royal College of General Practice, Royal College of Radiologists, Royal College of Psychiatrists and Royal College of Surgeons support our work.

Your Role – As an ambassador you would help:

  • Support development of resources for medical students nationally e.g. #MedStudentCovid
  • Widen participation amongst schools and colleges in your region
  • Help lead workshops as part of the Outreach Programme
  • Opportunities to be involved in organising our National Conference
  • Raise awareness of free resources and workshops on SJT, PSA, OSCEs etc.

The successful applicant will develop a range of skills, build their network and receive a portfolio certificate and reference for their work during the year.

To apply, please fill in this form here

We are still accepting applications for the role of a Becoming a Doctor Ambassador and to get involved in various projects These are being reviewed periodically.

You will be contacted in due course by our Ambassador Leads at @BecomingaDr – Thank you 🙂

Any questions? E-mail:

Good luck with your application!



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Elliot is a St George’s graduate currently working as an F1 Doctor in East London. As the first in his family to apply to university, Elliot is well aware of the barriers that can be faced in trying to get to medical school. He is passionate about widening access to medicine for underrepresented groups.
 He was the representative for St George’s on the BMA Medical Students Committee, and has done lots of work with local schools and colleges to raise awareness of medicine as a career, as well as working on admissions policies with the widening participation team St George’s. Elliot is part of the @BecomingaDr outreach team and National Health Careers Conference Team.