National Webinar – Starting as an FY1 Doctor during COVID-19
Date: Saturday 25th April 2020
Time: 16:00 GMT+1
Sign up below!
The @Becomingadr team have organised a national webinar for newly qualified doctors who will be starting their Foundation Interim Year 1 placements soon.
The webinar will feature special guests including:
Simon Fleming (@orthopodreg) – currently faculty at NHS Nightingale London and Vice Chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Trainee Doctor Group
Greta McLachlan (@GeeMcLachlan) – Former National Medical Director Clinical Fellow, BMJ Editorial Fellow and Clinical Fellow at GMC.
Caroline Walker (@joyful_doctor) – Founder at the Joyful Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Speaker, Coach and Trainer.
The focus will be on supporting our newly qualified doctors working in the NHS during the current Pandemic. We have experts in wellbeing, support and medical education joining us for this special Webinar.
Please submit any questions via the sign-up form and there will also be an opportunity to ask questions live during the webinar!